• My Nearest City
Los Angeles


Preparing For Bad Weather?

Preparing For Bad Weather?

I got really concerned after watching the following news broadcast (uploaded to YouTube September 25, 2022) after hurricane Fiona went through the Maritime provinces in Canada. For me, telling people to have enough provisions for 72 hours in preparation for a major hurricane made absolutely no sense.  Considering that there… Read more »

Are We Becoming Zombies?

Are We Becoming Zombies?

For several years, my wife and two daughters kept bugging me to upgrade my phone.  I kept saying that I didn’t need to upgrade as my cell phone was working quite fine and reliable.  They kept on insisting that it would be easier for them to contact me, such as… Read more »

Are Most People Preppers?

Are Most People Preppers?

For many people, when they hear the word Prepper, they tend to think about people who store numerous weapons, massive rounds of ammunition, have underground bunkers, gas masks, hoarding massive amounts of food, etc.  These Preppers are often frowned upon by mainstream society and viewed as crazy radical people out… Read more »