For many people, their lives have been turned upside down since the COVID 19 pandemic started. Many thought that 2022 would be the return of some sense of normalcy in their lives. Yet with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 22, 2022 (along with other factors), we have seen inflation soaring to 30 year highs. This has triggered numerous interest rate hikes across various central banks. Thus putting a lot of people in a position where they are hanging on by the proverbial financial thread.
Our family of four is no different. After recovering from my 2 strokes in 2021, I had laid out a series of goals that I wanted to accomplish in 2022. Unfortunately, nothing was really accomplished financially. In addition to all of our costs rising due to high inflation, my wife was still not strong enough to return to work. She returned to work in mid October 2022 after the lingering debilitating effects from her COVID 19 diagnosis, which had her hospitalized for 5 days in December 2020.
I am more determined than ever to get our household back on track. In September 2022 I wrote out my various goals on my phone, which I read out loud everyday. I read a short while ago that a Canadian bank did a financial priorities poll and found that most Canadians are focused on repaying debt in 2023. I’m sure that it’s the same for people in other countries.
Regardless of what your situation may be right now, I would challenge you to make 2023 the year that you improve your life. If not, there’s a strong likelihood that next year will be the same as it is now. I suggest doing what I did and put those goals on your phone and read them daily. If needed, put a daily alarm on your phone to remind yourself to read them. People who take medication daily, often have various reminders, reminding them to take their medication. Consider the goals that you are setting, the prescription medication for your life.
I am so determined to take back control and improve various aspects of my life, that I have the following three sentences at the end of my goals that are read every day:
I will not allow anykind of negativity stand in my way, regardless of who, or where it’s from!!!!
I will persist, until I succeed!!!!
It’s up to me, in 2023!!!!
I will definitely indicate that since September 2022, and writing out those goals, there have been various challenges that have crossed my path. However, by reading those goals every day has kept me focused on what I need to do and not get side tracked. As everyone knows, it is so easy to get side tracked these days
That focus on my goals is slowly starting to pay off. Both my spending and debts are decreasing. I’ve got a long way to go, but I’m on the right track.
I hope that everyone makes 2023 the happiest New Year ever. Make 2023 the year that you took back control of your life and improved your situation. For each of us it truly is, “It’s up to me, in 2023!!!!”
Until next time, stay safe, healthy and strong.
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